Bobo Dioulasso Mosque – Burkina Faso
Country Profile
Burkina Faso is a poor, landlocked country that depends on adequate rainfalls. About 90% of the population is engaged in subsistence agriculture and cotton is the main cash crop. The country has few natural ressources and a weak industrial base. Cotton and gold are key exports. Since 1998, Burkina has begun to privatize state – owned enterprises and in 2004 revised his investment code to attract foreign investments. As a result the country has seen an upswing in gold exploration, production and export. The Burkinabe economy experienced high level of growth over the last few years but growth is highly dependent on swings in gold and cotton prices. In 2013 Burkina Faso experienced a number of public protests over the cost of living, corruption, and other socioeconomic issues. To defuse tensions the government has offered higher housing bonuses, reduced income taxes, and price controls. Turmoil in neighboring Mali, unreliable energy supplies, and poor transportation links pose longer-term challenges.
AGOA Apparel Status
Burkina Faso was designated as AGOA Eligible Country on December 10th 2004. Burkina Faso has been declared eligible for Apparel Provision on August 4th 2006 and benefits the Lesser Developed Country Special Rule for Apparel (3rd country fabric) and Lesser Developed Country Rule for Certain Textile Articles (Category 0) as well as Category 9 Textile Products (Handloomed / Handmade, folklore annex, ethnic printed fabrics).
- United States of America Embassy
- Burkina Faso Embassy to the United States
- Address: 2340 Massachusetts Avenue N.W, Washington , D.C. 20008
Phone: +1 (202).332.5577
Fax: +1 (202).667.1882
- AGOA Trade Resource Center: Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Burkina Faso
- Contact: Mr. Mamadou Ouattara
Cell: (226) 70 39 8858
Website: - Local Textile Products
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