AGOA Festival
African Beverages & Food Show


Agriculture is fundamental in many Sub – Saharan African Countries for direct consumption, food security, job creation, economic growth and exportations. African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) provides duty free market access to the United States for the Eligible African Countries for Thousand of products including Agricultural Products in compliance with the Rules of the US Agriculture Department and prior notification to the US Food and Drug Administration before each shipment.

United States imports of Agricultural Products from Africa represents less than a Billion Dollars, even if it is gradually growing up from $59 millions in 2001 to $261 Millions in 2014, it is far from the Apparel Sector representing around $5 Billions. The main exports of agriculture products to the U.S. are cocoa paste and powder, citrus fruits, edible nuts, wine, unmanufactured tobacco, and vegetables. We fully agree with Dr. Joshua P. Meltzer, Senior Fellow in Global Economy and Development at the Brookings Institution when He said There is much room for growth in U.S.-Africa Trade by expanding Trade in agricultural goods and expanding opportunities for sub-Saharan African agriculture exports to the U.S. will produce a range of benefits as:

  • It will help drive growth and employment in the agriculture sector in sub-Saharan Africa, which is responsible for 30 percent of GDP and 70 percent of employment. This growth will also create employment opportunities for women, as they comprise about 50 percent of the agriculture labor force in the region;
  • The labor intensity of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa means that policies to promote growth in the agriculture sector will be most effective at reducing poverty
  • Growth in the agriculture sector will help address growing youth unemployment in sub-Saharan Africa.This is particularly important given sub-Saharan Africa’s so-called youth bulge, in which increasing numbers of young people are entering the job market this decade.
  • African businesses are able to engage in digital trade—to sell goods and services online to customers in the U.S. and globally. 

That being said, It is normal to dedicate a Special Event to the Agriculture Sector during the AGOA Festival with the label African Beverages & Food Show. It will encourage African Farmers to produce more, discover the Exports process for some, be trained by the US Departments in charge of Agriculture and Food Safety, promote their products online before the Event on our platform and discuss with Investors interested in developing industrially these products. Many African Beverages are unknown by the American Customers as well as some Meals, AGOA Festival – goers will have the opportunity to have a Great and Diverse Taste of African Beverages and Food from 39 African Countries.

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